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[뉴스레터] [newsletter] Design Council Busan participated in the 「Collecting the lid of waste plastic bottles」 상세보기

[뉴스레터] [newsletter] Design Council Busan participated in the 「Collecting the lid of waste plastic bottles」

조회 2460

홍보담당자 2021-06-30 08:31:03


Design Council Busan participated in the 「Collecting the lid of waste plastic bottles」


  • The challenge took place for about a month from May 20th.
  • Approximately 1,200 bottle caps were collected, more than the initial target quantity of 1,000.

DCB participated in the 「Collecting the lid of waste plastic bottles」 challenge, an eco-friendly social contribution campaign.

The challenge was carried out to reduce the use of plastic, the main culprit of environmental pollution, and to spread the proper recycling lifestyle for ecological conservation.

Plastic is classified and recycled according to materials and types through the screening process, and plastic, which is small like bottle caps, is often discarded as general waste because it is difficult to classify.

The campaign, which has been participating for about a month since May 20, completed the challenge by filling the 1,000 initially planned target quantity through active participation of all employees, collecting nearly 1,200 bottle caps.

The collected waste plastic bottle caps will be jointly delivered to social enterprises as raw materials for upcycling by public institutions in the Centum district and reborn as plastic recycling bins.

Lee Jin-ho, head of the management planning team, said, "Through participation in the challenge, it was an opportunity to realize the importance of the environment again. We will continue to participate in the campaign and create an environmental protection atmosphere in the office."

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  • 2024-03-29